Wednesday, July 25, 2018


One of the major challenges to maize cultivation is the infestation of pests such as grasshoppers and rodents. The use of pesticides could help keep these pests at bay. There are several working pesticides as there are also adulterated. It's best to ask around from farmers which have worked for them.

I advice when planting your crops create enough space in rows and column. This will help you to have easy harvesting at maturity. It is important to understand that it's a business from the onset and should be treated as such. I have seen so many farmers plant their crops in a long row and column without considering walk ways and minivan path. The process of weeding and harvesting should be factored in from the beginning. The spacing also helps you carry out easy fumigation against pest and diseases when the need arises.

One of the challenges with farming as it were is keeping appropriate records of materials and daily activities. It is imperative that your business has a form of record, preferable called a farm diary. No matter how small the maize farm looks. Keep your records.
It helps you see the big picture and more reveals the true position of your figures. I remember a friend asking me why should I keep record of the cost of maize seed I bought as well as herbicides and seed treatment materials. At some point when the business/farm needs expansion, the reality of these costs will dawn on you and if you had not factored them in, this will be a potential problem.

My encounter with small holder maize farmers in my region is that they do not factor in the cost of purchasing their maize seed as well as the amount of time spent in the farm. All this is very simple and crucial. have a daily work/ weekly schedule. Something very simple for you to understand.
I have a very demanding day job, most times I visit my small farm only on Saturdays and Sundays. Yet I make a conscious effort to take inventory of the plant growth , colour of leaves, any visible signs of infestation and most importantly number of hours spent on the farm and the activity carried out.

Have it in mind that someday when the farm venture begin to expand, you will have a first hand idea of what activities needs to be done on the farm per time per period.

I up the above post has helped, please feel free to communicate with me on your challenges faced in your farm and other related agri-businesses. We would be glad to help.

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