Friday, August 23, 2013

FINANCIAL BENEFITS IN AGRICULTURE 2 …………………………..pathways to farming success………………..

Every intending farmer wants to ensure his produce is of high quality and quantity to meet the demands of their clients. It’s not debatable that agriculture is not profitable, yet some few small holder farms are barely struggling to survive. In as much as they are putting in much effort to farm their produce, the corresponding output in relation to profit is on the decline.

Here are three(3) steps every farmer should take to enhance steady income generation.
1.  Know the product/produce: it is important to have a foundational knowledge of the product you want to cultivate or rear. It’s not just about cultivating maize for instance and making sales. Having an understanding of the climatic condition and the diseases associated with the crop is very essential. Armed with this knowledge will help you as a farmer to reduce the unforeseen risks to the barest minimum. One of the major challenges to any agricultural venture is the risk involved, which is often disease control and theft. You need to know the common disease and take safety steps to combat such, should it occur during the farming period.

2.  Draw up a feasibility survey: as important as this is, a lot of farmers have intentionally omitted this aspect of farming and they are paying dearly for it in the long run. A feasibility survey helps to bring into the open, risks and steps that could be avoided or combated during the growing period. It clearly shows you the stage you are in and what to do at such stage. A lot of farmers usually get stocked during the growth phase of their produce; they do not have the knowledge capacity to prepare for the next cycle without losing ample time. Usually, some farmers wait until they have completely harvested all their stocks before planning or preparing for another cycle. Adopting such a process could make you loose a lot of propagation time, especially if you are propagating/rearing an all year

3.  Draw up a comprehensive Cash flow analysis: this is a big challenge for farmers, especially when they are not educated in such. I have often times come across farmers groups and they hardly do such in their record that is if they have any.

To become a successful farmer and trailing your profit margin, you need to understand the three models explained above. Especially drawing up your cash flow analysis, this is the map to farming profit and break even points. Irrespective of the model, fish farming, poultry farming, crop propagation, processing etc you need to have a cash flow.

In the quest to ensuring farmers and would be entrepreneurs take advantage and harness the opportunities of farming in Nigeria, we are holding a seminar tagged: ‘FINANCIAL BENEFITS IN AGRICULTURE’ in September, in Lagos Nigeria.
We encourage every intending agric entrepreneur home and abroad to make a date with us to attend this revealing seminar, as we would be harnessing the opportunities in three agric ventures; POULTRY FARMING, CATFISH FARMING, CASSAVA PROPAGATION.

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